Before and After Waxing Care

Learn what to do before and after your visit.
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seal charlottes best

Benefits of our services: Smooth skin Long-term results Irritation-free Professional care Clear communication Comfy space Quick procedures

If it's your first time getting waxed, or even if it's not, here are a few things to consider before your appointment:

  • If you have been shaving, you must let your hair grow out for at least two weeks; it has to be the size of a rice grain.
  • Gently exfoliate the skin before waxing and loosen the hair follicles between your wax appointments.
  • Exfoliating your skin with a sugar scrub or exfoliating gloves is important to keep your pores unclogged from dead skin, so when your new hair is growing out, it will have a free way to cross your skin without ingrow.
  • If you’re waxing for a special event, try coming in 2 to 3 days prior.
  • Keep the area being waxed free of any lotion or oil.
  • If you take Accutane, you must stop use for at least six months before getting a wax.
  • If you have had a chemical peel, you must wait four weeks before getting a wax.
  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure or tanning for a few days before waxing.

Please read carefully for the following WARNINGS, if you are on any of those products, wax services CAN NOT be done:

Accutane, Renova, Glycolic ACID, Tretinoin, Tazorac, Adapalene, Alustra, Salicylic, Avage, Pro-Active, Isotretinoin, Avita, Apricot Scrub, Differin, Benzoyl Peroxide, Retin-A, Tazarotene, Neutrogena Scrub, Strivectin.

Please read carefully for the following WARNINGS, if you are on any of those products, wax services CAN NOT be done:

Accutane, Renova, Glycolic ACID, Tretinoin, Tazorac, Adapalene, Alustra, Salicylic, Avage, Pro-Active, Isotretinoin, Avita, Apricot Scrub, Differin, Benzoyl Peroxide, Retin-A, Tazarotene, Neutrogena Scrub, Strivectin.

After your waxing appointment

  • Your skin may be sensitive, so it’s best to let your hair follicles heal and avoid touching the area, wearing tight clothing, or exercising. It would be best to avoid exposure to the sun, hot tubs, saunas, or pools. Your hair follicles are open and may be vulnerable to bacteria.
  • Heavy oil, perfumes, or lotions may cause ingrown hairs. And be sure to exfoliate the area 48 hours after a wax to help prevent ingrown hairs.

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